Thursday, March 11, 2010


Who hasn’t faced stress? Work, family, children, friends and just life in general can cause stress; so much stress that we let it all build up and forget how to cope with the pressure. Have you ever walked into the gym or a group exercise class so stressed out that it affects the entire room? Being an instructor, I have seen this way too many times. When an individual steps into class in a stressful state it sets the entire room with low energy and a feeling of awkwardness. We all want to either help and reach out to that one person who is overwhelmed and stressed or throw them out the door. Sometimes it is best to let that person be and for them to realize that the greatest place to relieve their worries of the day is the gym and/or in their favorite exercise class.

If you are reading this and realizing that you have been that person to walk into a room where everyone surrounding you knows that you are stressed out, it is ok. No one is perfect. What is good to know is that you realize it and now you can find a way to change it the next time it is about to happen. I personally LOVE releasing all my stress through dance (go figure?! Haha!). Some of us might not choose exercise as a stress reliever so I have put together some other tips to alleviate the stress from your life and I want you to give them a whirl! Go get em!

Crank up the Music
Now, I am not talking about hard head banging music as a stress reduction tool because that would just be silly! Instead, a good tip is soft calming tunes, which are better suited to bringing down stress levels. We can always respond to harmony and rhythm, which is why soothing music can melt the stress away. Try artists like Toby Lightman, Norah Jones, Jennifer Hudson, John Mayer, and Sting

Dance away your stress (MY FAVORITE)
If you are someone who enjoys dancing then use it as a stress reduction tool. Make it a habit to dance everyday or at least twice a week. Putting on your favorite tunes and allowing your footwork to do the rest, should lower stress levels. Try artists like MaDonna, Michael Jackson, Pointer Sisters, Beyonce, and The Black Eyed Peas.

Hit something like a punching bag!
High stress levels can lead to evil tempers and those who bottle up their emotions are more likely to encounter larger temper outbursts. A good stress reduction tool is to try hitting a punch bag. Even taking up kick boxing classes can be a great way to focus your stress and anger in a positive way while getting a workout all at the same time! Two birds… one stone.

Take a Hot Bath
Relaxing in the tub is a great stress reduction tool. Take out some time to soak away the stress! Try lighting candles, dimming the lights, burn the aromatherapy oils, and let the stress melt away.

Talk about it
Allow yourself to discuss the reasons behind stress that you’re feeling. Talk to a trusted friend or family member, as they will help you work through the stress and the problems causing the pressure on your mind.

Don’t overschedule!
Trying to cram in too many appointments, meetings and events in one day or one week can raise stress levels very quickly. Manage your time better and learn to de-clutter your schedule.

Time to start a sport
Exercise is a great stress busting tool. Team sports, such as hockey, rowing and even tennis are all great examples to try. What a great way to relieve tension and aggression and get fit!




Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Simple Post

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a of couple weeks. Life has been crazy for me, but all in good ways. I have been extremely busy with many projects so stay tuned as I begin to share them in my upcoming blogs. In the meantime, grab a friend and/or a family member and see if you can groove with this clip below from my "Dance Party" class at 360 Health Club.