Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How do I get beautiful, long, lean legs like a dancer?

This is a question that I hear all the time from my students and even complete strangers:  "How do I get beautiful, long, lean legs like a dancer?"  Dancers have amazingly fit bodies, and usually their legs in particular are lean and toned. Aside from taking dance classes, there are a few exercises that can be done in your own home, in just a few minutes each day to workout your lower body, and eventually develop toned legs.  Let me show you two exercises that you should start with:  Plies and Ballet Kicks.  I recommend putting in your favorite hits to get you in the mood to execute these exercises to the best of your ability.  Some of my favorite Artists to listen to while I perform the exercises below are as follows:  The Fray, Moloko, Akon, Sia, and Toby Lightman.

1)  Plies - Stand in ballet first position. (kiss your heels together and turn your feet out only as far as is comfortable). From here, slowly bend your knees as far as possible, while keeping your heels on the ground, with your knees directly over the middle of your feet. Now unbend your knees, moving back up to the starting position.


 2)  Standing in ballet first position (kiss heels together with toes pointed out to the sides of room) lift leg up to 45 degree angle, hold then come back down to starting position. Pull your navel into your spine and squeeze your butt cheeks together.



Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hi Everyone.  I am so excited you have decided to join my blog.  Please take a moment to read my About Me section to the left of this page especially if you are new to my fan club.  If we have not met yet, please leave me a comment below to introduce yourself.  I cannot wait for all the fun to begin...
Let's first start off with talking about natural ways to power up your brain.  I, recently read a wonderful article in a neighborhood magazine that talks about this matter.  Did you know that you can improve your memory, energy, productivity and general well-being throughout your entire life by developing everyday habits that are good for your brain like getting exercise that requires movements?  Top Specialist, Daniel G. Amen, MD who wrote this article says, "Any type of exercise is good, but the ideal exercise for a healthy brain combines aerobic workout with complex movements requiring quick reactions."  He provided examples and what do you think was first on his list?  DANCING!!!  With that being said, I will leave you with my "Move" for the weekend ahead: 
Description:  Everybody wants a 6 pack like the celebrity dancers that we see on the hit reality TV shows.  You can get them too by starting with this fun exercise.  Start with legs hip width apart. Soften your knees and tuck your pelvis forward then engage your core. Pump your arms and thrust your pelvis forward. It helps if you blast your favorite music. To start, try doing this exercise for 5 minutes then trust me, you will not want to stop.  The best part is that you do not do a single crunch on the floor. Please see the detailed examples below and click to enlarge the photos: