Isn't it mind boggling that one of the top stories in the media today is about kids fighting obesity? The percentage of overweight children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate, with 1 out of 3 kids now considered overweight or obese. To me, this is no surprise. Many kids are spending less time exercising and more time in front of the TV, computer, or video-game console. And today’s busy families have fewer free moments to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals. From fast food to electronics, quick and easy is the reality for many people in the new millennium.
So how can we prevent kids from being overweight, obese, and inactive? How many times do you get wrapped up in the busy work day and find that it is just easier to pick up a pizza for dinner or make the kids chicken nuggets? It's the "practice what you preach" mentality. Make healthy eating and exercise a family affair and a priority. Get your children involved! Plan and prepare healthy meals together, and take them along when you go grocery shopping so they learn how to make good food choices. Be active as a family! Summer is almost here so it is the perfect time to be outside and be fit. Try sports, family races, or even a walk after dinner. Anything to get your kids movin and groovin.
If you eat well, exercise regularly, and incorporate healthy habits into your family's daily life, you're modeling a healthy lifestyle for your kids that will last. Talk to them about the importance of eating well and being active, but make it a family affair that will become second nature for everyone.