Friday, December 11, 2009

Living The Life

There is ABSOLUTELY no one like YOU in this world. We all have something unique to say, to create, to offer, and to teach others. If you follow your heart and value your happiness it will lead you to great health with endless opportunities.  Your dreams, talents, passions and desires are your clues. Don't discount them. Instead, honor them and you will find happiness in all that you do.

After more than 20 years of studying dance and fitness, I know now that my greatest teacher, advisor, and guide, is my heart. I know now, more than ever to follow my heart and trust that it will always lead me to everything I need.

As many of you know, I started dancing at the age of 3.  I knew from the start that dance was my path. Right from the beginning I ate, slept, and dreamt dance.  I was the kid who never stopped twirling around.  I remember getting lost in the aisles of the supermarket because I was too busy leaping through the cereal aisle to realize, that my mom moved on to the freezer section.  My parents would get stopped all the time by complete strangers, “Wow, does your kid ever stop dancing?”

Growing up in South Jersey at one of the largest, most prestigious dance studios in the area was a true blessing for me.  I can recall countless opportunities as a young dancer:  trips to NYC; performances for local charities; regional and national dance competitions; master classes with Top Choreographers, and the list goes on and on.  To this day, I know that I wouldn’t be the dancer, choreographer, and teacher that I am if it wasn’t for the long hours spent in classes and rehearsals, amazing teachers, and support from my family. 

Of course my story continues and it just gets better. In my last 6 years of living in Los Angeles, I have had innumerable “hallelujah” moments:  Dance, Exercise, and Choreography all together!  This is what I, Your Dance Fitness Guru, am all about and it is my calling. What’s your calling?

I always knew that pursuing a career in the entertainment industry would be a risk. Would I make money?  Is it a “real job” for a college graduate?  Wait…does this all matter?  I love it and it makes me happy.  My mom used to say, “I would rather not eat then take dance away from you, Ilyse.  Go get it, girl!”  She is ALWAYS right so here I am…Your Dance Fitness Guru and I couldn’t be happier.

I am delighted at how my life is unfolding. I really feel like I found my true calling and it is a combination of the things I knew I wanted even as a child. I loved to dance, perform, create, receive attention, teach and lead.  My greatest accomplishment has been following my heart.

Following my heart has led me to so many unbelievable opportunities. If you feel you want guidance in this area, look for people who are living well, living lives they love, and who are truly happy. Remember, no one knows what is best for you but you. Look for people who ask you the questions that will help you uncover your heart and your passion.

Are you living a life you love?  If not…why?

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