Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stretch It Out

Do you know why stretching is an important part of any workout?  Do you stretch enough?  Have you ever thought of stretching when you are stressed out about something, need to release, or maybe just to do it?  

Stretching helps increase your flexibility and reduce your chances of injury.  It is very important to stretch after you've cooled down from any workout.  My personal favorite time to stretch happens right in my own home:  while I am thinking of new choreography or fun fitness tips to share with all of you, when I need to release my stress, relax my body, or even when I am just bored.  It is so rewarding to yourself, mind, and body.

I would like you to try stretching after a long weekend or a long day at work or even if your kid is napping.  Take just 5 minutes out of your day and try my, "Stretch It Out" routine.  I promise you will love it and you will find yourself doing it all the time.  Each stretch should feel good.  If you feel any pain, ease up and go slower.  Please click the link below to get started with my 5 minutes of "Stretch It Out", enjoy, and leave me a comment below so I know how well you did.  Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. The socks crack me up. Thanks for the great stretching routine.
