Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Making a Difference

     Do you ever wake up in the morning and think to yourself, "I wonder if today is going to be a day where I make a difference in something or someone?"  For me, I wake up with that thought every single day.  Making a difference is a huge part of what I do for a living.  Besides the fact that it is in my job description, I choose to make a difference in anything that I can.  For example, letting another driver in on the freeway, holding the door open for someone, or letting someone else ahead of me in line at the grocery store if they have only 1 item and I have 10.  It could be the littlest thing possible that you do to make a difference.  If it feels good then you did the right thing and you can say at the end of your day, "Wow, I made a difference today!"
     I bring this topic up because I experienced this today and I feel amazing.  Every Wednesday morning I teach Cardio Dance Fusion at Equinox Fitness Club in Woodland Hills, CA.  I have the hottest, most talented, fun group of women in my class.  I am blessed every single week with their smiling faces and tons of energy that they bring to my class.  Their willingness to learn more and more is so incredible and inspiring.  For the last 3 weeks, my Equinox ladies have been strutting their stuff to "Fame."  It has been a blast.  One of my newer students approached me after class in the parking garage and said these exact words, "Who do I talk to about getting you a raise or giving you an amazing review or whatever it are truly amazing and make me feel so much better about myself and life.  No matter what you do I ALWAYS leave happier than when I walked through the doors of your class.  You are AMAZING and everyone needs to know!" 
     Now ask yourself, how would you feel if somebody said that to you?  This new student of mine who ROCKS it out every week made my day.  I had tears of joy in my eyes.  What a wonderful feeling it is to know that I made a difference in her life today, Wednesday, October 7, 2009. 
     I have been on cloud 9 ever since I heard those words and my day has continued to get better.  Try to wake up every morning asking yourself the simple question, "How can I make a difference in something or someone?"  Trust me the end result will be so rewarding.


  1. You deserve every word of praise you get, Ms. Baker!!! And I love the message in this post. Well done!

  2. She's right - you've made a difference in my life.

  3. Well, well, well!!! This is my FAVORITE blog yet :) Don't you EVER STOP Ms. Ilyse Baker! You shine daily...Thanks for being a part of my life.

  4. You all ROCK. Thanks for the comments. Spread the word to all.

  5. Yes! I second that! Every time I come to one of your evening classes I enter as a zombie and leave feeling so alive and rejuvenated! Thank you!

  6. Here Here. I can't count the number of times I've entered the class really down and left feeling fantastic. You really have found your calling.

  7. Ilyse, I see you hosting your own Fitness show in your future. Keep up the great work!!

  8. Hey, Ilyse! I finally figured out how to comment! You look awesome! Love the comments. Come home so I can take your class.

  9. Loved the pics of the kids and you! Come home for Thanksgiving!
